Merits Of Electro-Homoeopathy

  • Electro-homeopathy is a complete system of medicine like other systems such as Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Yoga and Naturopathy; it holds all the criteria required by any complete scientific system of medicine.
  • It can cover all the types of treatment applicable in any disease and cures almost.
  • Electro-homeopathy is comprehensive system of cure and not limited to few diseases only.
  • It is a scientific system of treatment with its own individual Philosophy, Pharmacy, Pharmacopoeia and Materia Medica etc. like any other recognized systems of medicine by the Government.
  • It can participate in the Holistic treatment and also can help a person to keep him physically fit, mentally strong and spiritually developed.
  • It can help the Govt. and the society to overcome the drug diseases, drug addiction, and other dreadful diseases.
  • It can take the major part in multipurpose health scheme and family welfare programme of the nation.
  • Principles of treatment are in conformity with the Nature’s laws of healing.
  • The medicines are palatable and can be consumed by any age of patients.
  • The treatment is very cost effective.
  • Simple method of application of medicines.
  • Use of medicines whose actions on diseased persons are known
  • Medicines are used in diluted form of doses and are, therefore, harmless.
  • Medicines can be prescribed on the basis of constitutions.
  • It is yet not recognized officially as a system of medicine in the country of origin and / in any other country where it is currently practiced except in the State of Rajasthan, India.
  • Drugs are included in Second Schedules od Drug and cosmetic Act, 1940, under section 184 (b) “drugs not included in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia in India but which are included in GHP.
  • Documented information on uniqueness of modalities of treatment are drugs (spagyric essence) prepared from plants only under Krauss and Zimpel method as prescribed in GHP.
  • It has Standardized methods of preparation of Drugs / Devices used in the therapy may and have proper quality control procedures.