Concepts And Principles Of Electro Homeopathy

The most important principle of Electrohomeopathy is based on constitution which classifies human beings, diet, drugs, etc. into three qualitative types i.e. Sanguine, Lymphatic or Mixed Constitution. Different characters are found in persons having different constitution. Pathological shift in the constitution due to vitiation of either lymph or, blood or both together, their disharmonic state leads to the development of disease and reversing the abnormal constitution to the normal, by using Electrohomeopathic medicines prepared from spagyric essence of the plants the disharmonic state of body is brought into harmonic state by purifying or de-vitiation of the lymph and blood and cures diseases. The system is fully separate from homoeopathy. Thephysician prescribes drugs according to the constitutions of patient, vitiation of lymph or blood, facultyof organ involved and severity of the disease”. These drugs are classified as per the specificconstitution and are prescribed as the modus operandi “ComplexaComplexisCurentur”.

Law of Complex Remedy

Electro-Homeopathy, medicines are prescribed to cure the natural sufferings of a man by the administration of drugs which have been experimentally proved to possess power of curing the suffering in a diseased human following the principle and preparations prescribed by him through its modus operandi “ComplexaCompplexisCurentur”– which is a waytoselectthemedicineasperprincipleofElectrohomeopathy,tomanagethecomplexsymptomsbyprescribingthe complex remedies on sick persons on the basis of constitutions. (Reference: Legal and Scientific Analysis Committee Govt. of Rajasthan Page No.8). Count Mattei enlarged this fundamental law with an understanding that compound pathological process stretching over a more or less extended series or group of organs or tissues requires a compound of remedies to cure.

The Diseases profile associated with various medicines are determined by proving the medicines on diseased human volunteers and are compiled by the observer to form the ‘Drug Pictures’. This principle has been verified by millions of Electro-Homeopaths all over the world.

The fundamental law of relationship between remedy on the one side, and organ or tissue on the other side was “Like cures like” which was already conceived & taught by Paracelsus, but first more widely made known by Hahnemann, and propagated by his “Homoeopathy”. Mattei has enlarged this fundamental law understanding that a compound pathological process, stretching over a more or less extended (complex) series or group of organs or tissues, requires consequently a compounded group (complex) of remedies as well in order to cure a disease and hence the modus operandi – “ComplexaComplexisCurentur” was adopted in Electro-homeopathy.

In a variance to the then prevalent medieval medical practice, Count Mattei directed his followers to administer single complex form of medicine at a time to each patient, and not as combination of specific medicine since the collective effects of the medicines would be different from that of individual plants used. Electro-Homoeopathic medicines are usually administered ideally in single, simple and unadulterated form. Even if a patient suffers from several complaints, the Electro-homeopathic physician does not prescribe different medicines for different complaints at a time; but may prescribe different medicines in different time not mixing together, which matches all/most of the important symptoms related to diseases and constitution.

Drug doses

Drug dose frequency is called dosage regimen. Designing the correct dosage regimen is important for achieving the desired therapeutic efficacy and avoiding undesired effects. The Electro-homeopathic medicine selected for a sick person is prescribed either in globules form or in dilution prepared from globules as per Mattei’s theory of preparation of dilutions so that when administered, there is no toxic effect in the body.

The word “dose”, as ordinarily understood, means the amount of medicine taken, or radiation given, at one time which is necessary to produce a certain pharmacological action either at once or after repetition. By a massive dose is understood the largest quantity which may be given to an adult without producing evil effects; and by a minimum dose, the lowest quantity which is necessary to obtain a physiological action in a patient.

It must not be forgotten that the dose must be diminished according to the gravity or violence of the illness, and the smaller doses, the closer must be the intervals between them, except in certain cases, which we shall indicate in the division of the book relating to the treatment of particular disease.
145. The choice of the dose depends on the nature of the disease, the sensitiveness of the patient and the gravity of the malady by which he/she is attacked.
In general, the more violent the disease, the more should the dose be diluted and also the administration should be more frequently. Some maladies, such as hysteria, epilepsy, and other convulsive affections, demand very weak doses given at long intervals one globule in a quart of water, four teaspoonfuls during the day.


In Electro-homeopathy the decimal scale (D or X), diluting the substance to ten times its original volume each stage is used.
The D or X scale dilution is therefore half that of the same value of the C scale; for example, “12X” is the same level of dilution as “6C”. Some authorities consider it as pseudoscience because, at commonly used dilutions, no molecules of the original material are likely to remain. It is believed that this process of preparing Electro-Homeopathic medicines liberates an intrinsic power within them, which makes them safer while retaining its disease curing power.  The crude drug (Spagyric essence) is diluted to increase its dynamic power, under which, only the medicinal power of the substance is retained and drug-related side effects are eliminated. The diluted medicine acts as a triggering or a catalytic agent to stimulate and strengthen the defense mechanisms of the body.


No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin – that is, the beginning; and as all man’s diseases originate in his constitution, it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his diseases.” – Paracelsus.
Constitution is defined as a person’s physical and mental makeup which is revealed through his physical built, his characteristic desires, aversions and reactions as well as emotional and intellectual attributes. It is either inherited at birth or acquired from environment during lifetime. It act as a fertile soil for chronic diseases to grow.

Count Mattei’s classification of disease is founded on this natural (Physiological) perception and he accordingly distinguishes likewise three different morbid dispositions or, condition called constitution. The temperament may be ascertained by the identification of the certain signs but in seeking them the present modified constitution should be considered rather than the original drugs and intoxicating. A constitution should fulfil each of following conditions:

  1. It must have its origin from a specific source of an infectious nature (bacterium, virus, etc.). If such an acute condition is either mistreated or left alone to develop, it will often precipitate sequelae of chronic symptoms and pathology.
  2. Such an infection should have a tendency to produce sequelae of deeper pathology if left untreated or suppressed.
  3. Its chronic effect can be transmitted to the next generation, not as a primary infection, but as a predisposition via the genome (of the newborn via DNA or infection at birth, etc.) created from the different infections of a person’s ancestors, via the various modes of transmission of syphilis, gonorrhoea, scabies or tuberculosis.
  4. The underlying pathology of one of the parents is not necessarily passed on in an identical manifestation in their child’s pathology, because it is always modified by the condition of the other parent’s health.

The constitution of an individual plays an important role in the drug proving and also in the occurrence of natural diseases. Hence the role of constitution is crucial in treatment and achieving a cure. The Knowledge of constitution of a medicine and constitution of a person on the part of a physician helps to arrive at a greater level of similarity between the person and the medicine.

Electro-Homeopathic Drug Proving

Drug Proving concept in Electro Homeopathy is quite different from Homoeopathy, whereby the pathogenetic effects of a drug substance are ascertained on the basis of their effects on sick persons. The drug substance – Spagyric essence (prepared from plants of known pharmacological action in special process) is given to volunteers (sick persons) in controlled conditions, and the symptoms covered / cured are carefully documented to evolve the Drug Picture. This documentation of symptoms covered is made in the form of Materia Medica. The medicines are used to treat sick persons after matching their symptoms covered in the Materia Medica.

However, any drug proving has not been conducted but the traditional practice since its development confirms the efficacy and safety of medicines. There is no any casualty reported or found with the use of Electro-homeopathy till date by renowned practitioners like – Dr. Theodore Krauss, Dr. Theobald, Dr. Anderschou, Dr. Samuel Kennedy, Dr. B. K. Paul, Dr. M. V. Kulkarni, Dr. Radha Madhav Halder, Dr. H. D. Banerjee, Dr. N. L. Sinha, Dr. Father Augustus Muller, Dr. B. P. Saxena, etc.