Origin And Development Of Electro-Homeopathy

Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim 1493 – 1541) was one of the most important Renaissance naturalists. He put forward the view that disease resulted from external environmental forces. He also believed that plants and natural substances held the key to healing and embraced the ‘like can cure like’ principle. One of his ideas, known as the Doctrine of signatures, was that the appearance of a plant, or the substances it contained, gave an idea of the disorders it could treat. As a youth Paracelsus worked in the nearby mines as an analyst. This gave him the background for his future work in chemistry and alchemy that, doubtless, laid the foundations of his later remarkable discoveries in the field of Electro-homoeopathy. 

Count Cesare Mattei (1809-1896)

Electro-Homoeopathy is the name given to a new system of medicine discovered by a famous Italian Count Cesare Mattei in the later part of the 1800’s. Count Mattei, the founder of Electro-Homoeopathy, was born on the 11th January in the year of 1809 in Bologna City in Italy. 

He belongs to one of the noblest families of learned town of Bologna. After having studied natural science, he gave himself up to anatomy, physiology and pathology. Then more exclusively to chemistry and botany. After a long trial and research of medicines on patients following a method of his own,  he discovered how to get extracts from certain plants, the active principles which, alone or in combined form, firm the agent in the new Materia Medica. Numerous and prolonged experiments done first of all upon the dogs which demonstrated the curative power of his remedies.  At the same time, it was proved that they can never produce the slightest morbid alteration either in the organs or in their functions.

Mattei believed in the, famous Paracelsus who introduced law of similar. Thus, convinced simultaneously of their immense utility and of their perfectly innocuous character, he had applied to them with all confidence upon human beings. Further, in order to observe closely the effects of his medicines in numerous cases and to study the effect of these remedies.  He held in his Mansion at Bologna for more than ten years, public and private consultations in the presence of physician and surgeons who had attached themselves to him for the purpose of looking into the clinical trials of the medicines in the patients of various diseases. 

It may be added of high person ages of all nations, physicians and even large medical bodies. But undoubtedly the German founder of Homoeopathy Hahnemann (1755-1843) and his doctrine influenced Mattei’s mind in his research, leading principle trying to investigate the immediate effects of remedies and to bring them into practical service according to the familiar rule. 

On the other hand, he borrowed from Paracelsus the process of preparing the spagyric essence from specific plants (vegetable substances) by means of a more or less complicated mode of fermentation called “COHOBATION”, and also the final combination of a number of ingredients with similar or supplementary effect to form a complex medicinal unity. 

He has applied himself in his lifetime to the discovery of Materia Medica capable of modifying; not only the manifestation or symptoms of disease, but also their principle, or to speak better their first cause. It is by means of a simple theory with curative agents which he called Electricity in the remedies. He believed in his elementary theory by which everyone might be cured and certainly his medicine would be the medicine of the future. 

Mattei was impressed with the very fast action of its agents in his medicine which possess the speed of the electric current. Due to the fact that his healing system being also common as in homeopathy, he might had given the name of his healing system as “Electro-homeopathy.” 

In the development of his medicines Mattei assumed that there are only some factors responsible for the diseases i.e.  vitiation of the blood or vitiation of the lymph or both of them.  This led to the division of its resources into those which correct the blood circulation and blood composition, and those which are used to correct the lymph and their composition. Accordingly Count Mattei developed his system of medicines for cure.  Mattei wrote his first book in 1874 in Italian language. 

The origin of the ISO-drug began in the late 19th Century with the Italian scholar Count Cesare Mattei of Bologna. He developed by him named as “electro-homeopathy” based on which the JSO complex way of healing is still based today. Mattei took on both suggestions from the spagyric direction of Paracelsus as well as basic principles of homeopathy. 

In the early 1880s was in Regensburg a “Consortium for Electric homeopathy” was established to market the drug of Count Mattei. This distribution took over in 1883, the Regensburg “pharmacy to the Golden Angel.”  This was the time Theodor Krauss, whose grandfather was a disciple of Hahnemann, in the first contact with the electro-homeopathy. So it was inevitable that Krauss in the years (1885-1896) in close contact with Mattei used. In 1887 Count Mattei had handed over all his work to his adopted son Mario Venturoli Mattei. In 1890, Krauss took over the management of the “Consortium”, which was responsible for the publication of literature and the care of individuals requiring help at that time.

Count Cesare Mattei left this Universe on 3rd of April 1896 at the magnificent castle of La Rochetta, situated in the heart of the Apennines and rest in peace in the heaven. If there are but few honest hearts in this world, there is still enough remaining to bless his memory.

After the First world War Mattei remedies were stopped exporting from Italy. Then M. V. Mattei made the agreement with the German Pharmacist Theodore Krauss to sale Mattei Remedies via Engel Apotheker Regensburg in Germany. This System later on becomes more popular & recognized than ever by his disciple. 

Carl Friedrich Zimpel (1800-1878)

The nineteenth century, the German physician Carl Friedrich Zimpel, M.D., Ph.D. (1800-1878), began a new production of spagyric medicaments. This widely travelled and learned  man had originally been an engineer. He devoted himself late in life to the study of medicine and acquired a doctorate in philosophy and medicine. He was awarded the Prussian gold medal for art and science and was an honorary member of the Mineralogical Society of the University of Jena. In 1849, he established himself in London as a homeopathic physician. 

Zimpel devoted himself intensively to the study of the works of Paracelsus and Glauber. At the age of 70 and after his key experiences with Count Cesare Mattei (1809-1896), he published book on the subject. Gradually, he developed an important production, known today as Zimpel method which is also descried in German Pharmacopoeia [HAB] a high level, internationally known manufacturing Pharmacopoeia, whose products are today available in many countries of the world. In the meantime, many classical texts have been reprinted, in connection with which the attitude of the publishers vacillates strongly. Available, for instance, are the works of Paracelsus, Basilius Valentines, Glauber, Van Helmont, Andreas Libavius, and others.

Theodor Krauss (1864-1924)

(From Bologna to Regensburg)

The German practitioner Theodore Krauss (1864-1924) made a notable contribution to Electro-homeopathic medicine and JSO Spagyric medicine which is based on his method. At the age of 56 and after his key experiences with  pharmacist Johannes Sonntag established” JSO KomplexHeilweise”, an exhaustive body of information. Count Mattei in the early year of 1880 set up Consortium for Electrohomoeopathy for the sale and promotion of his remedies in Regensburg. In the year 1883 the Consortium was transferred to the Engel Pharmacy in Regensburg for selling the remedies. The Consortium remained responsible for publication of the literature and assistance for these remedies to the 7000 members of the electro homeopathic practitioner. About two year later, Theodore Krauss joined the Consortiums for Electro Homoeopathy and remained there in contact with Count Mattei till the year 1890. But after the death of Mattei in 1896, the Theodore Krauss took over the Consortiums for electro Homoeopathy; later on he expanded the system. In the First World War the supplies from Italy were missing between the years 1914 to 1918. The first original medicines under the license were after-produced in the scientific direction of Krauss and Dr. med. Johannes in the same direction as the Mattei method and his system. The system later established by Theodore Krauss and became known as Electro complex Homoeopathy, which developed up to today and is known as JSO KomplexHeilweise (JKH).

After Theodore Krauss death his work was continuously moving forward and his first book published back in 1920 on electro homeopathy has published its 14 editions till today in Germany. Following that, Spagyric had an official place in Europe and in the German Pharmacopoeia. 

John Sunday (1863-1945)

In 1891, John earned Sunday (1863-1945), the “pharmacy to the Golden Angel” and thus simultaneously the right to market the “Elektrohomöopathischen means” Mattei, which he could sell for a contract concluded in 1897 alone. As in the first World War failed to supplies from Italy, the original recipes were first produced under license.    Eventually, though, was under the direction of Theodore Krauss and Dr. John Dingfelder the system from the Mattei’schen base to today’s JSO complex way of healing (JKH) further developed. 

A year before the death of Theodor Krauss founded St. John in the Sunday 1923, the JSO plant in Regensburg and continuously extended the range of naturopathic preparations. When John died Sunday, the business was continued by his son Fritz Sunday. 

Pharmacist Walter Hagen, a grandson of John Sunday, took over the business end of the 60s and led the company until his death in 1987.

From Regensburg to Ettlingen 
In order to ensure the continued existence of the company, has been acquired in the same year the JSO plant of the company Dr. Willmar Schwabe in Karlsruhe and continued independently. 1993 pulled the ISO-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG from Regensburg to Ettlingen, where it now has its headquarters. JSO complex Heilweise making the medicine of electro-complex-homoeopathy by mentioning Spagyric after Theodre Krauss whose formulation is also approve by the German homoeopathic pharmacopoeia. In actual the follower like Krauss ,Zimple, and father Muller followed the Mattie’s faith after knowing the secret from the Mattei in his old days ,these fellows started to prepare Electro-homeopathic medicine after their name and now a days father Muller’s Homeopathy complex are available in Mangalore (India)which is fully inspired from the concept of Mattei pharmacy. (BOOK AS EVIDENCE – Fathers Muller Specific).